Kampung Girl by Uncle JC :p

Sumpah, kocak banget...! I can't stop laughing, so funny & creative parody music... Hwakakakak... Uncle JC is bule gilllaaaa.....

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Universe Intelegence [Kecerdasan Semesta]

Mike Dooley: "When you do the visualization, when you get that picture in mind to play, and just always keep the end result."

Jack Canfield: "This is a feeling that truly created the interest, not only create an image or thought. Many people think, 'If I think positive thoughts, or if I do visualizations what I want, it will be enough." If you do so, but do not feel full of kindness, or do not feel full of love or joy, that power does not create interest. "

Bernard Beckwith
: "Now, feeling and vision in mind it will start a door open through the 'power of the visualizations' will realize."

Jack Canfield: "Our task is not to find how. This will appear by itself from the commitment and confidence in what you want."

Dooey Mike: "How is the business Universe. Universe always knows how to do, and the fastest great harmonies between you and your dream."

DR. Joe vitale: "When you give to the Universe, and you'll be surprised with what come sent to you. This is where the magic happens."

Quoted from: Book The Secret - Rhonda Byrne


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"directed imagination is more important than knowledge."


"directed imagination over the world."

Approximately 70% of our learning occurs in the first 6 years of our lives. At the time it is our capacity to absorb new things are on the peak. That is also when the power to grow with our imagination.

This last mentioned preceded the previous one. We need imagination so that we can learn quickly and easily. Therefore, we need to keep the creative imagination, and actually stimulate and develop, in our adult lifetime.

Sometimes there are parents who say, "I worry about the little Josh, his imagination so amazing!" other parents appear to believe that the value of children's imagination is entertaining for adults.

The simple truth is that imagination is the key to all the learning and problem-solving. That is the "
Edison" and "Einstein" in this world has a very special imagination. For example, Einstein to the conclusion about the space and time after the imaginative hurl himself to the planets where he riding around the moon rays. Ability to become like a child help him become a giant among intellectual people.

A strong imagination is also important for a strong mind power. This is the one of the reasons why people who have elderly often complain their bad memories. They let their imagination worsened such that they no has longer thought to create a picturesque will "embedded" in their mind.

Each time we record the memories in the place where our memories, we use imagination and visualization resources to create an image. Our effectiveness in creating the image that we can not easily recall the information.

In addition, a strong imagination is required in making your body and mind relaxed. For example, if you can imagine a completely natural, such as the beach, you will have the ability to relax according to your will. How valuable your imagination! Conversely, someone who does not develop they imagine will be more difficult to relax.

Just keep practice your imagination as you train your body. The more you develop, the more easily your imagination to solve problems and remember the facts.

Quoted from: book-Being Happy Andrew Matthews


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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Grow to become a great person [Tumbuh mjd. manusia besar]

We grow to be a great person because the human dream. All (great persons) are a dreamer. They imagine many things in the soft fog in spring or in a fire in the afternoon on a long winter. Some of us let these great dreams die, but the others persons protect and maintain the dream, the guard through the days that bad. Until they finally bring the dream to the bright sun and light, which is always a ray of their sincere hope that their dreams will become reality. (Woodrow Wilson)

Quoted from: Book 9 The Secret Life Reaching for Success - Denis Waitley

Hopefully useful.


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Healthy PRIDE [Kebanggaaan Yang Sehat]

There are 2 types of pride: a good and not good. The sinful pride (hubris) is if someone feels compare God or try to replace the position of God. While encouraging a “right pride” someone to do the best. This type has a sense of pride assistant be: humble. Have modest means know that we can do better.
Elements of PRIDE, which is the right, are:

P-Pride: Having a right sense of pride means feel happy when a job is completed properly or will feel happy to be alive and you’re real self.
R-Respect: Having a right sense of pride means respect yourself as a friendly person and good heart.
I-Improvement: Having a right sense of pride in seeing that still means there is no perfect human beings and that we all must work to improve themselves.
D-Dignity: Having a right sense of pride means deeply feel that our self worth, we do not need a compliment to have people self.
E-Effort: have a right sense of pride means pride for trying owned. What is valuable is not easy to own. The point is, there is no sense of pride if you have something when you do not try. Has a right sense of pride that we feel happy if we work in the achievement.

Has a right sense of pride in oneself is the key to great achievement; it may be more meaningful if compared to the quality of the other.

Quoted from: Book 9 The Secret Life Reaching for Success - Denis Waitley

Hopefully it useful.



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The Angel LJ

Live is up and down sometimes .... I thought anybody known better if we have no money, it will make us “mati gaya” (uhm.. its seems like Indonesian slang or something like that, dunno how to say in english, “die style” in text of dictionary maybe or didn’t know what would we do, or stuck!), isn’t it? Are you agree?! Well... just nod ... because in this blog should not discuss the contents (means: debate in content!) Hahaha ....

The blog’s veto just for the owner here. To inform you about dislike and like once again I remind you, better save your energy for other things.: p

One day in the “mati gaya”, in the middle of the night darkness (Xoxoxo… seems that I’m like the poet), I’m already in “mati gaya”, I Sit after prayer tahadjud, & asking to almighty God, "O Allah, I must pay my living cost, must fulfil my promise to my niece to go to Kidzania, must pay the insurance, ect ... and I have no money in my account. ...

So what should I do my Lord ...?

I’m not a lazy gal, you known me beter than my self I guess. I also never extravagant, I mean I never used my money for overcharging, I'd keep & used carefully. ... So now… I have no money, but still should be spent, so please help me to pay it all .... at this time the amount of Rp. 3.600.000, - is much for me. YOU Rich I know, so I come on YOU and only asking to YOU for help as the slaves. Amen."

Then I sleep.

In the same morning I chat with someone who became my friend in the virtual world (I call him “virtual friend”), the amazing in this case, he offers to give me a reason to charity, although we have not met. I certainly reject it, because I do not feel worthy to receive it. However, he was forced, and I continue to reject it. The story is odor guys!
At night before going to bed, I remember again with all I have should pay, I am felt regret rejected the charity from my “virtual friend”. I thought in my mind, "How if he is the angel sent by God to help me?" It sounds silly, right? But I do not care! I went to bathroom for “wudhu”, prayer and ... yeah asking again to almighty GOD, "O GOD, please do forgive me if I am too proud of a provision ward through the friend of the virtual world. If indeed, it is my rightfrom YOU. But I will get it even though I have rejected him . Please show me the truth my Lord .... Amen!"

Then I sleep.

Tomorrow, in the same morning, we met again in the chat room; actually, we do not have long chat, but this day we met twice times in a chat room. Truly fun again because he still offers to send his “zakat” to me. I can only say, "If you really want do that, I will accept!" the oath in the depth inside anxious hope hehehe ...
And .... Voilaaaa ....! The fund parking in my account about U.S. $ 400 in rupiah (right now) I get Rp. 3.600.000, - he transferred via MoneyGram. "How it such fit with my budget estimation?" I’m felt surprised, and then I thought, “If I understand that YOU will approved my proposal so easy, better I’m asking for U.S. $ 40.000, - ?" Hahaha ...

Maybe LJ is the Angel who sent of the Lord. Because after that ... we almost never meet again in the chat room, but only in snatches as the busy time is different. Thanks a bunch my LJ Angel ... Alhamdulillah ... Hope many happy return to you ... May God bless you ..


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The Owner Manet Vision is my "kompor":p

Roni http://www.roniyuzirman.blogspot.com is my friend at junior high school, at this time his activity resound quite significant, he has a thriving community TDA like mushrooms in the rainy season. I saw his interview with Metro TV. Some of the time profile appears in the newspapers of the country. Sometimes I still do not believe if we are ever be a friends before hehe ….

Several weeks ago we met in the chat room, our many discussions without any concept … but it strange (at least for me) … some of our reference books are seems similar, such as Manuscript Celestine, The Secret, The Alchemist,Denis Waitley, Robert T. Kiyosaki, Dan Brown, etc.. Of course, his books collections more than me … hehe … The good poin is, it makes the flow of discussions more smooth, and Roni … still humble … may be even much more modest … still love supporting …. motivate … attempt to create comfortable opponent talking...

And because of him (I called him “STOVE”), finally made & created this blog …. I actually do have a blog on friendster, but the content is “amburadul” (soo messy & spoiled). I used it to practice & write in my messy English … haha

With input from Roni for a discussion focusing on one particular blog, I finally decided to give the title of this blog “Imaginary Factory” is the reason because I’d hate debated, just want to share all in my mind even silly.

Because by the title like that, anyone not entitled to discuss its contents, because everything in the frame “Imaginary” haha …. even everything has wrote aren’t unreal but still in the frame of “imagination”.

And “blueSaphier”, just an anonymous of me, all the blogs and sites associated with me, I used the name blueSaphir.

I has no special reasons, Just like that name..!

So… enjoy with your Imagine here guys…


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Friday, June 27, 2008

How to speak in english guy? [the humble musician, Rene Van Helsdingen]

His name Rene van Helsdingen , nation origin pianists from Dutch windmill, the husband of one of the violin maestro from Indonesia Luluk Purwanto. When I saw his “crazy” finger played appearance on the key of piano.... I’m amazing ... why? because I can’t play even one of music’s tool, hehehe.

And this day .... I’m in a car with “mas” Rene (who was very humble and skittish) to visit the YPM Music School in Bintaro, there we met Oliver & Aisha Pletscher. I really feel lucky to meet them all, and I wonder in the heart .... "Do I have a dream to meet great musicians in my life?" And I think the answer is never ....! Then I ask again ... "Why I’m so lucky?" Then I remember, during my high school, which is always difficult and getting bad value for the English lesson. I discussed with God (read: berdo'a in prayer) I says, "O God, thou Almighty is good, promise you that you will fulfill every request that comes to you (in do'a), then I come now, who knows how, the main thing I want to speak English without having to dealing with the book. " : p (hehe…)

And when I remind .... since a few years ago, I gradually into the community of foreigners, some do not speak Indonesian, some even speak English with charming, but I have to communicate with those who can not speak Indonesian, then I just had to bring -take a small dictionary to be able to communicate despite stagnating- stagnant.

Then I have many friends from various nations on the internet, we often chat with the English language. They do not need to know how such crazy I’m open dictionary to be able to talk with them. But eventually the day unconsciously I do not need the dictionary to find a vocabulary. Grammar although still “amburadul” (such messy) here and there, but at least communication more smoothly.

And now ... I was faced with the native surrounding me as a natural teachers. I make this extraordinary ... something in a corner of my heart says, "See ... God has many ways to fulfill your proposal, even though you are too spoiled even just try ..." hehe ...

I so remember the book "The Secret" that I read. "Let your imagine respond, just think about what you want to happen in our lives, need not detract from or how to think. Unity with intelligences will make it happen." I’m not sure exactly, but sounds like that..

And the more I felt God so Merciful, not half-hearted, not just native to give practice in the English conversations, but made me met with a great native, wow.... HE gives us more than we have ... and it is really not that difficult-to HIM.

so .... "Do not give up! And keep praying!"


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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Imaginary Festival JakArt@2008_Ary Sutedja

I know Mrs. Ary Sutedja already long enough, but not been more closely at our long involvement in an event where she helped me arrange the event.

I was read Mrs. Ary Sutedja’s profile in a magazine about 5 years ago says that she is a woman describes the dynamic, intelligent and full of imagination. Women who advanced to play the piano and trim around the world already for her show. She speaks at least 9 language (if I do not remember a magazine that tells you so), and yesterday evening when I talk with her mom is her break session, I got a chance to let the truth about it, at least Mrs. Ary Sutedja’s mom count with the fingers: French, German, English, Greek ….. and I have not heard anymore, already shocked, because I am of people that is difficult to learn the language … here (you can see my messy english here I guess ha-ha)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Don't ever lock my heart if you have no the key!

Just got this Off Line message from somebody

Do not ever say “ I love you” If you did not care. Never talk about “love feelings” if that feelings never exist in your heart. Never hold finger if intend to make a broken heart. Never say forever If you intend to separate. Never stare eyes if you say the lie. Do not ever say "Hello" if you intend to "Say Good Bye." Do not ever say, "I am the only one," if you dream the other one (the other in your mind). Do not ever lock my heart if you do not have the key.

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